Anpassad kost/diet - forskning

Redan 2012 hade professor Karl L Reichelt en lång lista över vad man i dag vill försöka lyfta fram som nya kunskaper - professor Reichelt skrev följande i sin lista (redan 1997!) över forskning diet, autism, adhd, depression, psykos, schizofreni, påverkan tarm och hjärna etc.:

Forsker 1. Dr Med Ped.
Forsk avd. Univ i Oslo Rikshospitalet
O424 Oslo
13 feb 2012

Det er direkte trist når man ikke har fått med seg at der er en intim relasjon tarm-hjerne og dermed atferd

1: Referenser til tarm problemer og psykiske lidelser:

1. Hallert C, Åstrøm J, Sedvall G (1982) Psychic disturbances in adult celiac disease III Reduced central momoamine metabolism and signs of depression. Scand J gastroeneterol 17: 25-28

2. Cortvaglia L, Catamo R, Pepe G, Lazzari R, Corvaglia E ( 1999) Depression in adult untreated celiac subjects :diagnosed by the pediatrician .Am J gastroenterol 94: 839-843

3. Pynnönen PA, Isometsä T, Verkasalo A, Kähkonen SA, Sipilä I , Savilathi E , Aalberg VA ( 2005) Gluten-free diet may alleviate depressive and behavioural symptoms in adolescents with coeliac disease : a prospective follow-up case-series sudy. BMC Psychaitry 4: 14-1

4. Addolorato G, Caprinto E, Stefani GG, Gasbarrini G( 1997) Inflammatory bowel disease : a study of the association between anxiety and depression, physical morbidity ,and nutritional status : Scand J gastroenterol 32: 1012-1021

5. Haug TT , Mykletun A, Dahl AA ( 2005) Are anxiety and depression related to gastrointestinal symptoms in the general population. Scand J gastroenterol 37: 294-298

6. Alander T , Svärdsudd K , Johansson SE Agreus L (2005) Psychological illness is commonly associated  with functional gastrointestinal disorders  and is important to consider during patient consultation: a polulation-based study. BMC Med 3: 8-20

Direkte demonstrasjon av tarm hjerne påvirkning:

1. Paul  K-D, Henker J, Todt A,  Eysold R (1985). EEG-Befunde Zoeliakikranken Kindern in Abhängigkeit von der Ernährung. Z Klin Med.  40: 707-709

2. Uhlig T, Merkenschlager A, Brandmaier R , Egger J.(1997) Topographic mapping of brain electrical activity in children with food-induced attention deficit hyperactivity disorder .Eur J Pediat .156: 557-561.

3. Geissler A, Andus T, Roth M, Kullman F, Caesar L, Held P,.Gross V, Feuerbach S, Schömerich F(1996). Focal white matter lesions in brain of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Lancet 345: 897-899

4. Hart PE, Gould SR, Mac Sweeney JE, Clifton A, Schon F.(1998) Brain white matter lesions in inflammatory bowel disease .Lancet ; 351: 1558

5. Gupta S et al (1997) The relationship between schizophrenia and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) .Schizophrenia res. 23: 265-268.

Antistoff påvisning som knytter visse psykoser til gluten/gliadin /casein.

1. Reichelt KL and Landmark J ( 1995) Specific IgA antibody increases in schizophrenia Biol Psychiat 37: 4109-413

2. Samaroo D, Dickerson F , Kasarda DD et al (2009) Novel immune responses to gluten in individuals with schizophrenia .Schizophr.Res ;doi:10.1016/j.schres.2009.08.009 8pp.

3. Severance EG, Dickerson FB, Hallding M et al ( 2010) Subunit and whole molecule specificity of the anti-bovine casein immune response in recent onset psychosis and schizophrenia . Schizophr.Res 136:240-247

4. Jin,  S.-., Wu,N.,Xu,Q., Zhang,X., Ju, G.-Z., Law,M.H.,Wei,J.(2010) A study of circulating gliadin antibodies in schizophrenia among Chinese population. Schizophrenia Bull. 37:748-752,

5. Eaton WW et al (2004) Coeliac disease and schizophrenia:population basedcase control study with linkage of Danish national registers. BMJ 328:438-439

6. Dohan FC et al (1984) Is schizophrenia rare if grain is rare? Biol Psychiat 19: 385-399

7. Cascella NG et al ( 2011) Prevalence of celiac Disease and Gluten sensitivity in the United States .Ckinical Antipsychotic trials of intervention, Effectiveness study Population. Schizophrenia Bulletin 57: 94-100

Antistoff mot matantigener i autistike syndromer .

1. Reichelt ,K.L., Ekrem ,J. And Scott , H (1990) Gluten,Milk proteins  and autism: dietary intervention effects on behavior and peptide secretion. J Appl Nutr. 42:1-11

2. Cade R ., et al ( 2000) Autism and Schizophrenia :intestinal disorders. Nutr Neueroscience  3: 57-72

3. Kawashti ,M.I., Amin, O.H.,Rowely, N.G., (2008) Possible immunological disorders in autism. Concomittant autoimmunity and immune tolerance.Rgypt J Immunol 13: 99-104.

4. Trajkovski ,V., Petlichkovskj, A., Efinsk-Mladinovska O et al ( 2008) Higher plasma concentration of food specific antibodies in presons with autistic disorder in comparson to their siblings. Autism and other Develop Disorders. 23: 176-186

5. Vojdani  A., O’Bryan T., Green , J.A et al ( 2007) Immune responseto dietary protein s , gliadin and cerbellar pwpides inchildren nwith autism. Nutr.Neurosci. 2: 151-1611.

4. Effekt av diett ved autisme.

1. Reichelt KL, Ekrem J, Scott H. Gluten, milk proteins and autism: dietary intervention effects on childhood autism. J Appl Nutr. 1990; 42: 1-11

2. Knivsberg A-M, Wiig K, Lind G, Nødland M and Reichelt KL. Dietary intervention in Autistic syndromes. Brain Dysfunction, 1990; 3 315-327

3. Lucarelli S, Frediani T, Zingoni AM, Ferruzzi F, Giardini O, Quintieri F, Barbato M, D’Eufemia P, Cardi E. Food allergy and infantile autism. Panminerva Med 1995; 37: 137-141.

4. Knivsberg A-M, Reichelt KL, Nødland M, Høien T. Autistic syndromes and diet: a follow–up study. Scand J. Educat. Res. 1995; 39: 223-236.

5. Whiteley P, Rodgers J, Savery D, Shattock P. A gluten-free diet as an intervention for autism and associated spectrum disorders: preliminary findings. Autism 1999; 3: 45-65.

6. Cade RJ, Privette RM, Fregly M, Rowland N, Sun Z, Zele V,Wagemaker H, Edelstein, C. Autism and schizophrenia: Intestinal disorders. Nutritional Neuroscience. 2000; 3: 57-72.

7 .Knivsberg A-M, Reichelt KL, Høien T, Nødland M. A Randomized, controlled study of dietary intervention in Autistic syndromes. Nutr.Neuroscience. 2002; 5:251-261.

8. Klaveness J, Bigam J. The GFCF Kids diet survey. In The autism Res Unit, Sunderland Univ.:ed ‘Building bridges.’2002;77-84

9. Rimland B. Parent rating of behavioral effects of biomedical interventions ARI Publ 2003; 34.

10. Kniker WT, Andrews A, Hundley A, Garver C. The Possible role of Intolerance to Milk/dairy and wheat/gluten foods in older children and adults with autism spectrum disorder. The autism Res. Unit, Sunderland Univ: ed.  ‘2001: An Autism odyssey’ 2001: 183-191.

11. Pennesi CM. Effectiveness of the Gluten-freecasein-free dieatry treatment for Children diagosed with Autism Spectrum disorder: Based on parental report. Schreyer Honors College Thesis study 2009 Pennsylvania State univ.

12. Whiteley, Paul; Haracopos, Demetrious; Knivsberg, Ann-Mari; Reichelt, Karl Ludvig; Parlar, Sarah; Jacobsen, Judith; Seim, Anders; Pedersen, Lennart; Schondel, Maja; Shattock, Paul(2010)The ScanBrit randomised, controlled, single-blind study of a gluten- and casein-free dietary intervention for children with autism spectrum disorders. Nutritional Neuroscience 13 (2), April 2010: 87-100

5. Effekt av diettintervensjon ved ADHD

1. Egger J, Carter CM, Graham PJ, Guley D, Soothill JF. Controlled trial of oligoantigenic treament in the hyperkinetic syndrome. The Lancet. 1985; 332 : 540-545.

2. Egger J, Stolla A, McEwen LM. Controlled trial of hyposensitisation with food-induced hyper-kinetic syndrome. The Lancet. 1992; 339: 1150-1153.

3. Kaplan SJ, McNicol J, Conte RA, Moghadam HK. Dietary replacement in preschool-aged hyper-active boys. Pediatrics. 1989; 83: 7-17.

4. Carter CM, Urbanowicz M, Hemsley R, Mantilla L, Strobel S, Graham PJ and Taylor E. Effects of a few food diet in attention deficit disorder. Arch Dis Child. 1993; 69: 564-568.

5. Schmidt MH, Möcks P, Lay B, Eisert H-G, Fritz-Sigmund D, Marcus A, Musaeus B Does oligoantigenic diet influence hyperactive/conduct-disorder children-a controlled trial.  Eur. J Child & Adolesc. Psychiatry. 1997; 6: 88-95.

6. Knivsberg AM, Nødland M, Reichelt KL and Fosse K. Dietary intervention for 15 children with hyperactivity. In Autism, Perspectives and Progress. Edit: Autism Research UnitUniv Sunderland and Autism North Ltd. 2000 (pp 171-82).

7. Pelsser LMJ, Frankena K, Toorman J, Savelkoul HFJ, Pereira RR Buitelar JK. A randomized controlled trial into the effects of food on ADHD. J Child Adolesc. Psychiat.  Published on line as yet 21st April 2008.

8. Boris M, Mandel FS. Foods and Additions are common causes of the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. Annals Allergy.1994; 72: 462-467.

9. Connors LK, Goyette CH, Sothwick DA, Lees JM, AndrulonisPA. Food additives and Hyper-kinesia: A controlled doubleblind Experiment. Pediatrics. 1978; 58:154-166.

10. Weiss B, Williams JH, Margen S et al. Behavioral responses to artificial food colors. Science. 1980; 207: 1487-1488.

11. Swanson JM, Kinsbourne M. Food dyes impair performance of hyperactive children on a laboratory learning test. Science.1980; 207:1485-1487.

12. McCain D, Barrett A, Cooper A, Crumpier D, Dalen L, Grimshaw K, Kitchin E, Lek K Porteous L, Prince E, Sonuga-Barke E, Warner JO, Stevenson J. Food additives and hyperactive behaviour in 3-year –old and 8/9 –year-old children in the community: a randomised double –blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet. 2007; 310: 1560-1567.

13. Bateman B, Warner JO, Hutchinson E, Dean T, Rowlandson P, Gent C, Grundy J, Fitzgerald C, Stevenson J. The effects of a double blind placebo controlled artificial food colourings and benzoate preservative challenge on hyperactivity in a general population of preschool children. Arch Dis Child. 2005; 89: 506-511.

14. Walsh WJ, Glab LB, Haakenson NL. Reduced violent behaviour following biochemical  therapy. Physiology & behaviour. 2004; 82: 835-839.

15. Hallahan B, Garland MR. Essential fatty acids and their role in the treatment of impulsivity disorders. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential fatty acids. 2004; 71: 211-216.

16. Gesch B, Hammond SM, Hampson SE, Eves A, Crowder MJ. Influence of supplementary vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids on the antisocial behaviour of young adult prisoners. Brit J Psychiat. 2003; 141: 21-28.

17. Hamazaki HS, Hamazaki T, Terasawa K. Effect of docosahexanoic acid-containing food administration on symptoms of attention –deficit/hyperactivity disorder –a placebo double blind study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2004; 58: 467-474.

18. Pelsser L.M.J ,Frankens K ., Toorman .J. et al ( 2009) A randomised controled trial intothe effect of food on ADHD  Eur J Child Adolesc. Psychiatry 12-19

Dette avgrensede knippe med referenser skulle være tilstrekkelsig
KL Reichelt MD PhD
Forsker 1. (emerit)

Lista över forskning, Karl L Reichelt finner du här.

Utveckling av metod för peptidanalys av urin finner du här. Metoden utvecklade Karl Reichelt bland annat tillsammans med Dr Gunnar Brönnstad:
Redan 2006 var professor Karl L Reichelt och Dr Gunnar Brönstad och föreläste, helt gratis, i Tanumshede för att sprida kunskapen om kostens betydelse vidare och hur man genom peptidanalys kan få möjligheter se om individen är intolerant mot proteinerna i bland annat mjöl-/gluten-, mjölk-/kasein- och sojaprodukter. Här tackas Dr Gunnar Brönstad av fysioterapeut och neuropedagog Britt-Marie Winberg för deras generösa föreläsning som besöktes av personal från Bräcke Östergård samt föräldrar ur föreningen Attention - övrig sjukvårdspersonal lös med sin frånvaro trots inbjudan om gratis föreläsning. I dag är intresset minst lika tabubelagt som då - trots all ny beprövad erfarenhet och forskning som tillkommit inom området. Föreningen Attention lär, precis som läkarna, vara uppköpt av läkemedelsindustrin - länka till sidan "Artiklar och litteratur om forskningsfusket."
Lista över Karl Reichelts forskning 2002 - 2015 finner du här.

Vid en proteinintolerans mot mjöl-, mjölk- och/eller sojaprodukter mm. bildas opioida peptider - "opioida peptider har en morfinliknande effekt på nervsystemet, ord från professor Reichelt, Dr Brönstad och Dr Geir Flatabö. Dessa opioida peptider medverkar till att utveckla beroende hos individen - samma slags beroende som utvecklas vid sockerberoende.

Forskning ger hopp till patienter med minnesproblematik - såväl som minnesproblematik under neuropsykiatriska som demensdiagnoser kan repareras.

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